Friday, December 2, 2005


Pucca is Boracay bound with Garu!!!! Wheeeee!!!! ^^,
I’m excited!!!!!!

… And clueless: What should i bring o,O’

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

DE @ THROW’s umptieth EB…

The second I’ve been to…
(first one was in marc’s home)


So good to be in DE @ THROW…


June 18-19, 2005
Casa Concpecion
Calamba, Laguna

*Photo’s of EB to follow in PhotoAlbums

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Had a great time the other weekend...

I spent 4 days and 3 nights with my family, my sisters' boyfriend and my love at Batangas...

It was an adventure though... With a driver & a van, limited cash, credit card un-friendly towns, and no reservations...

Went all around Batangas... Lost...
We ended up in a rickety small house beside a not so clean beach... One bathroom, one airconditoned room, and one not-conditioned room... :P
Good thing we were too tired!
Really good thing my love was there to make things perfectly cozy...

Had to leave that place ASAP...
We left before the sun broke in and found a small patch of civilization... A closed Mc Donald's and Jollibee...
Thank the heavens for 7-11!!!
After shopping for beach resorts, with the help of a map I bought out of I'm-holding-it-I'm-in-line-why-not-buy-it moment, (learned that Aguila beach resort is soooo.... not worth it, the first house looked like heaven compared to it!) we found a small resort with really clean airconditioned rooms, and really friendly people, and a really good price... (I forgot the name, all i know is it has flags of Korea, Japan, England, Canada, Philippines, Saudi, etc..) Oh, it was in Anilao...
We had a boat ride that day to Sampaguita Beach, and it was beautiful!

We had a wonderful breakfast!
Went back to Sampaguita (although that's because the men of the boat tricked us about the fares) after snorkeling with cheap and not really usefull snorkels...
We managed without the snorkels and had a good view of the fishes below... it was nice.

I just love their breakfasts!
Too tired to go back to the beach.
Time to get back to civilization...

The best part of everything:
Being with my family and my love!